Trying Hard to Stay Current
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sometimes I get the feeling the world is passing me by. Things are changing more quickly than I have the ability, patience, or desire to keep up with. The other day in a doctor’s office I picked up a magazine about, well, sort of shopping. Really. Well, the other choices were all magazines about sports and race cars. Anyhow, this one was filled with people whose names I didn’t recognize. (Who are the Kardashians and is one of them made out of plastic?)
Then I got in the car and turned on NPR, where the talk was about movies. Do you know there’s a movie out, “The Prince of Persia,” that’s based on a video game? Well, I guess I remember one awhile back where Professor Plum was in the lounge with a wrench....
But I do try to keep up with some things. Over tea a week or so ago, Miriam Levine, encouraged--inspired!--me to add photos to my blog. She told me I could do it easily. Then my husband, aka Dr. D., showed me how to download photos from his digital camera. So, here’s my first attempt, a look at the garden. And I move one step closer to the current century.
Labels: Dr. D., Miriam Levine
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